7.6 130 minBluray Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)Action, Bioskop, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller, USA 26 Jun 2014Jody Blose, Matt ReevesTrailer Watch
7.4 140 minBluray War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)Action, Adventure, Bioskop, Featured, War, Canada, New Zealand, USA 11 Jul 2017Ana Oparnica Sebal, Kimi Webber, Matt Reeves, Trisha BurtonTrailer Watch
6.3 123 minHDRip Warcraft (2016)Action, Adventure, Bioskop, Fantasy, Canada, China, Japan, USA 25 May 2016Duncan Jones, Jessica ClothierTrailer Watch
6.4 118 minHDRip Kong: Skull Island (2017)Action, Adventure, Bioskop, Fantasy, Featured, USA 8 Mar 2017Brian Avery Galligan, Dawn Gilliam, Erin Mast, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, Richard Graves, Spiro RazatosTrailer Watch
7.4 162 minHDRip Avatar (2009)Action, Adventure, Bioskop, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, United Kingdom, USA 10 Dec 2009Ana Maria Quintana, Brad Blackbourn, Bryon Darling, Daniel Buhigas, Darren Mackie, Del Chatterton, Jacqui Pryor, James Cameron, James Harmer, Jorge Pimentel, Josh McLaglen, Judith Wayers, Keir Longden, Luca Kouimelis, Marc Ashton, Maria Battle Campbell, Melvin Polayah, Michael Musteric, Richard Matthews, Rob Zohrab, Sarah Hinch, Simon Carlile, Stephanie Weststrate, Stephen Painter, Steve HardyTrailer Watch
7.1 162 minHD AvatarAction, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, United Kingdom, USA 10 Dec 2009James CameronTrailer Watch